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C L I C K B @ I T A T F R I N G E
ClickB@it is an ensemble-driven, vignette-style show inspired by internet “click bait” and “viral” phenomena.It will examine how these elements shape media, permeate social development, and exacerbate news headline ‘numbness’—all delivered with a fun, pop-y, sketch sensibility.
Tuesday, July 11th, 7:00pm
Wednesday, July 12th, 7:45pm
Saturday, July 15th, 11:00am
Wednesday, July 19th, 5:00pm
Saturday, July 22th, 6:15pm
Atlas Performing Arts Center – The Sprenger Theatre, 1333 H St NE
Washington, DC 20002
Rachael Murray and Kevin Place
This production is presented as a part of the 2017 Capital Fringe Festival, a program of the Washington, DC non-profit Capital Fringe.
Directed by Rachael Murray and Kevin Place

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