Naked Theatre Company aims to use the best available technology to bridge
the gap between process and performance. We want our audiences to have
an immersive experience with our shows from beginning to end, allowing you to see the process in a very raw and "naked" way. We are experimenting with a very different business model that we hope will make our company both artistically fulfilling and financially sustainable.
NTC aims to let the audience in on our pre-production process for your viewing
pleasure. We also invite feedback from our viewership during this process. During rehearsals, meetings, and other events, we record video and put together a summary of the week/event for you to peek in on. We also heavily rely on social media (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, etc.) to get suggestions, feedback, and general comments. While last year we live-streamed the entire process, this year we're trying to streamline the process to make it more digestable. Next year may be totally different again!
Right now we are only producing public domain works. As a startup company, this allows us to produce shows without having to worry about royalties. We are also interested in making the classics accessible to the modern era. We would love to produce new works as well! If you’re a playwright who is on board with our rehearsal style, please feel free to drop us a line!. We hope that in the future, other living playwrights (or playwright estates) will like us and allow us to perform their plays as well. We also want to know what YOU like to do and see! Please, send us your suggestions and ideas! Our eventual goal is to produce a variety of plays spanning the past, present, and future—drawing from our ideas and yours.
NTC plans to be a Limited Liability Corporation. We’d love to make a living at this and help other artists earn more money as well. We don’t like the idea of being bogged down by grant requirements and the red tape that comes with running a non-profit; we want to spend more time producing cool stuff. We are experimenting with different ideas to make theatre that can be financially sustainable without tax-free donations or government grants. Our primary goal is to make art and make the artistic process accessible and interactive for the public. We hope you dig what we’re doing, and we
hope you choose to support us.

Rachael Murray likes performing in 20th-century standards and contemporary works. She likes making
people laugh. She likes directing plays with great writing and small casts. Her favorite playwright is
Tennessee Williams, and she would like to one day play Maggie the Cat. She would like to one day
direct…lots of things. She likes seeing the kind of theatre that punches you in the stomach, makes you
feel feelings, makes you laugh, and/or makes you question what you thought you knew. She likes those
gray areas.

Cory Cunningham enjoys performing anything from Shakespeare to Sondheim. He's certified in single sword and quarterstaff combat. While he often frolics in light-hearted comedies, he also loves to delve into thought-provoking drama. Cory also has a tech geek side, and this theatre company allows him to satisfy both his theatre and tech passions. Cory has worked with theatres all across the country as well as here in the DC area. He is a member of Actors' Equity Association.

Jared Murray likes to play comedic roles that still have some substance—seriocomic is a better word. He
also likes Tennessee Williams, and he’s always wanted to play The Gentleman Caller. He likes realism, and stuff that’s not too pretentious. Jared is a member of Actors' Equity Association.