Directed by Rachael Murray and Kevin Place
C L I C K B @ I T R E A D I N G
Naked Theatre Company is in the midst of developing a brand new devised, comedic piece entitled ClickB@it.
This is our first foray into a series of pieces tentatively titled The In-Common Project. This project seeks to provide an avenue to generate devised work around a given theme, inspired by open source and commons-style online forums. A good idea can come from anywhere, and we want yours! Send links to yourclickbait temptation (favorite/most embarrassing memes, listicles, cat videos, quizzes, blogs, food porn, etc.) to staff@nakedtheatrecompany.com.
Come see us on August 7th and find out what makes it in! PURCHASE TICKETS
Directed by Rachael Murray and Kevin Place
ClickB@it is an ensemble-driven, vignette-style show inspired by internet “click bait” and “viral” phenomena.It will examine how these elements shape media, permeate social development, and exacerbate news headline ‘numbness’—all delivered with a fun, pop-y, sketch sensibility. A workshop presentation of the piece is slated for August 7th as part of NextStop Theatre's DarkNights Series.